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House Hold Items

Drinks are one of the most common types of stains found on carpets. Whether your drink fell off the coffee table or the dog's tail knocked over a cup, spills happen all the time. Check out how to remove each type of drink stain

Stiff and built-up
Petroleum, animal fats and oils, vegetable fats and oils, basic dyes
  1. Try freezing the wax with an ice cube, then breaking and removing the frozen pieces.
  2. Apply dry-cleaning solvent.
  3. Apply POG, blot.
  4. Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
Grayish or pink, rubbery, sticky, built-up
Chicle flavoring, sugar
  1. Harden gum with an ice cube until it is brittle enough to scrape off with dull knife or spatula.
  2. Apply dry-cleaning solvent to remove remaining traces.
  3. OR Use a commercial chewing gum remover.
White and/or yellow, built-up, coagulates with heat
Albumin, oils, fats, coloring matter
  1. Blot up as much as possible, as quickly as possible.
  2. Apply detergent solution, blot.
  3. Apply cold ammonia solution, blot.
  4. If stain remains, apply enzyme detergent and keep moist.
  5. Rinse with water, blot until dry.
Brownish or reddish, absorbed, with irregular edge
Petroleum distillate, coloring matter
  1. Apply dry-cleaning solvent.
  2. Apply POG, blot.
  3. Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
  4. Apply detergent solution, blot.
  5. Rinse with water and blot until dry.

Note: This stain is almost impossible to remove completely.

Stiff and shiny, usually built-up
Starches, gelatins, albumins
  1. Apply water, blot.
  2. Apply detergent solution, blot.
  3. If stain remains, heat the detergent solution slightly and repeat step 2.
  4. Rinse with water, blot until dry.
Can be any color, usually blue or black, absorbed
Basic or soluble aniline dyes, insoluble organic solvents, oils, resins, gums, binding agents such as shellac, varnish or petroleum
  1. Apply alcohol and blot, or use wet/dry vacuum.
  2. Repeat as needed.
  3. Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
  4. Apply amyl acetate, if available, or acetone (except on acetate fibers).
  5. If stain remains, apply rust remover or oxalic acid solution.
  6. Bleaching (or professional stripping) may be necessary.
Absorbed, usually black
Pigment (carbon black) dispersed in water with a binder
  1. Apply dry-cleaning solvent.
  2. Apply POG sparingly, blot.
  3. Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
  4. Apply detergent solution, blot.
  5. Apply ammonia solution, blot.
  6. Rinse with water, blot until dry.
Red, pink, orange, soft and greasy
Pigment or dye in fats, waxes and oils
  1. Scrape off excess with spatula or dull knife.
  2. Apply POG, blot, making sure not to reapply stain onto fabric.
  3. Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
  4. Apply detergent, blot.
  5. Apply ammonia solution, blot.
  6. Apply vinegar solution, blot.
  7. Rinse with water, blot until dry.

Note: Try to avoid wet-cleaning on wool. Use POG and dry-cleaning solvents as long as possible.

Usually pink or red, stiff, shiny and built-up.
Red dye or pigment in a liquid cellulose acetate base, solvent, plasticizer.
  1. Apply amyl acetate, if available, or nail polish remover. PRETEST FIRST. Repeat as needed, with blotting.
  2. Apply dry-cleaning solvent.
  3. Apply POG, blot; apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
  4. If stain remains, apply detergent solution, blot until dry.
  5. Apply ammonia solution, blot.
  6. Apply vinegar solution, blot.
  7. Rinse with water, blot until dry.
Whitish, greenish, or bluish (other colors possible), absorbed and built-up
Soap, bleaching compound, flavoring, fluoride compound, coloring
  1. Apply detergent solution, blot.
  2. Apply vinegar solution, blot.
  3. Apply ammonia solution, blot.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with water, blot until dry.
Usually built-up and stiff
Pigments, drying oils, resins, gums, volatile solvents
  1. Note: Check label on paint for specific thinner or solvent OR

  2. Apply dry-cleaning solvent.
  3. Apply POG, blot; apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
  4. Repeat step 2 until as much paint as possible is removed.
  5. Weight down the stain with towels dampened with dry-cleaning solvent for several hours to loosen, blot with solvent.
  6. Apply several drops of detergent solution and work into the stain, blot.
  7. Apply ammonia solution, blot.
  8. Alternate steps 2 and 5 until stain is removed.
  9. Rinse thoroughly with warm water, blot until dry.
White or clear, built-up, possibly sticky or shiny
Rubber (synthetic or natural), resin, solvent
  1. Roll the glue off if it has hardened sufficiently.
  2. Apply dry-cleaning solvent.
  3. Apply POG sparingly, blot.
  4. Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
  5. Apply detergent solution, blot.
  6. Rinse with water, blot until dry.
(210) 227-7387