Data Control Specialist

Years in the Industry:
Seven years (O’Krent 7)
When I'm not working you can find me:
Spending time with family and friends
Cause/charity I support:
Meals on Wheels
Famous person (dead or alive) I would most like to meet:
Freddie Mercury
Favorite place I would like to visit or have visited:
More about Arnold...
I’m one of O’Krent’ s (unique) Boomerangs. I worked for O’Krent Fabrics in 1986-1991 as a Sales Rep for West Texas and New Mexico and drove a blue mercury station wagon. After retiring from St. Mary’s University as Campus Book Store Director, I returned to O’Krent Floors in Purchasing and Data Control. I love to travel and in my running days I combined both- running the New York Marathon in 1996 and the Greece Marathon in 2003 which was amazing! I completed a total of 12 marathons between 1996-2009 and my running motto was “I compete to complete”. I love spending time with family and friends (who call me Arno) and my home is the heart and hub of every occasion, holiday or just a Friday night.