Guest Relations

Years in the Industry:
One year (O’Krent One year)
When I'm not working you can find me:
Playing the piano, it’s very therapeutic
Cause/charity I support:
The Seed Company. They translate the Bible in languages that do not yet have it in their dialect
Famous person (dead or alive) I would most like to meet:
King Solomon, for his wisdom
Favorite place I would like to visit or have visited:
Greece—for the food and beautiful seaside views
More about Elizabeth...
I have an adult daughter and son and a 2-year-old granddaughter. My family calls me Aubie (which is short for Abuela-grandmother in Spanish). My “best friend” is my 7-year-old dog who we rescued as a puppy when we found her on the side of the road- it was love at first sight! My mantra is “Love God, Serve Others”. I listen to people well and I’m also good at hearing what a person doesn’t say. Most people are surprised when they find out the I play the bass guitar and have served on various worship bands. Being left-handed, I’ve learned to play a right-handed bass backwards and upside down, like Jimi Hendrix.