Inventory Control Specialist

Years in the Industry:
16 Years (O’Krent 6)
When I'm not working you can find me:
Doing Home improvement projects, gardening or shooting archery
Cause/charity I support:
Floor Covering Industry Foundation, Wounded Warrior
Famous person (dead or alive) I would most like to meet:
Chuck Berry
Favorite place I would like to visit or have visited:
I’ve visited King’s Lynn, UK and would like to go to Alaska
More about Michael...
Most people don’t know, but I played drums in a rock band. I enjoy rock and roll trivia and sometimes have “trivia-offs”” with my boss, Sam. I served in the military and am very focused on attention to detail and time management. I have two adult sons. Some people call me “Little Mike” because I’m 5’20” (6’8”)