House Hold Items
Drinks are one of the most common types of stains found on carpets. Whether your drink fell off the coffee table or the dog's tail knocked over a cup, spills happen all the time. Check out how to remove each type of drink stain
- Stiff and built-up
- Petroleum, animal fats and oils, vegetable fats and oils, basic dyes
- Try freezing the wax with an ice cube, then breaking and removing the frozen pieces.
- Apply dry-cleaning solvent.
- Apply POG, blot.
- Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
- Grayish or pink, rubbery, sticky, built-up
- Chicle flavoring, sugar
- Harden gum with an ice cube until it is brittle enough to scrape off with dull knife or spatula.
- Apply dry-cleaning solvent to remove remaining traces.
- OR Use a commercial chewing gum remover.
- White and/or yellow, built-up, coagulates with heat
- Albumin, oils, fats, coloring matter
- Blot up as much as possible, as quickly as possible.
- Apply detergent solution, blot.
- Apply cold ammonia solution, blot.
- If stain remains, apply enzyme detergent and keep moist.
- Rinse with water, blot until dry.
- Brownish or reddish, absorbed, with irregular edge
- Petroleum distillate, coloring matter
- Apply dry-cleaning solvent.
- Apply POG, blot.
- Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
- Apply detergent solution, blot.
- Rinse with water and blot until dry.
Note: This stain is almost impossible to remove completely.
- Stiff and shiny, usually built-up
- Starches, gelatins, albumins
- Apply water, blot.
- Apply detergent solution, blot.
- If stain remains, heat the detergent solution slightly and repeat step 2.
- Rinse with water, blot until dry.
- Can be any color, usually blue or black, absorbed
- Basic or soluble aniline dyes, insoluble organic solvents, oils, resins, gums, binding agents such as shellac, varnish or petroleum
- Apply alcohol and blot, or use wet/dry vacuum.
- Repeat as needed.
- Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
- Apply amyl acetate, if available, or acetone (except on acetate fibers).
- If stain remains, apply rust remover or oxalic acid solution.
- Bleaching (or professional stripping) may be necessary.
- Absorbed, usually black
- Pigment (carbon black) dispersed in water with a binder
- Apply dry-cleaning solvent.
- Apply POG sparingly, blot.
- Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
- Apply detergent solution, blot.
- Apply ammonia solution, blot.
- Rinse with water, blot until dry.
- Red, pink, orange, soft and greasy
- Pigment or dye in fats, waxes and oils
- Scrape off excess with spatula or dull knife.
- Apply POG, blot, making sure not to reapply stain onto fabric.
- Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
- Apply detergent, blot.
- Apply ammonia solution, blot.
- Apply vinegar solution, blot.
- Rinse with water, blot until dry.
Note: Try to avoid wet-cleaning on wool. Use POG and dry-cleaning solvents as long as possible.
- Usually pink or red, stiff, shiny and built-up.
- Red dye or pigment in a liquid cellulose acetate base, solvent, plasticizer.
- Apply amyl acetate, if available, or nail polish remover. PRETEST FIRST. Repeat as needed, with blotting.
- Apply dry-cleaning solvent.
- Apply POG, blot; apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
- If stain remains, apply detergent solution, blot until dry.
- Apply ammonia solution, blot.
- Apply vinegar solution, blot.
- Rinse with water, blot until dry.
- Whitish, greenish, or bluish (other colors possible), absorbed and built-up
- Soap, bleaching compound, flavoring, fluoride compound, coloring
- Apply detergent solution, blot.
- Apply vinegar solution, blot.
- Apply ammonia solution, blot.
- Rinse thoroughly with water, blot until dry.
- Usually built-up and stiff
- Pigments, drying oils, resins, gums, volatile solvents
Note: Check label on paint for specific thinner or solvent OR
- Apply dry-cleaning solvent.
- Apply POG, blot; apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
- Repeat step 2 until as much paint as possible is removed.
- Weight down the stain with towels dampened with dry-cleaning solvent for several hours to loosen, blot with solvent.
- Apply several drops of detergent solution and work into the stain, blot.
- Apply ammonia solution, blot.
- Alternate steps 2 and 5 until stain is removed.
- Rinse thoroughly with warm water, blot until dry.
- White or clear, built-up, possibly sticky or shiny
- Rubber (synthetic or natural), resin, solvent
- Roll the glue off if it has hardened sufficiently.
- Apply dry-cleaning solvent.
- Apply POG sparingly, blot.
- Apply dry-cleaning solvent, blot.
- Apply detergent solution, blot.
- Rinse with water, blot until dry.